Friday, September 21, 2012

Thanks Free Speech Idiots: NYC Subways Likely Targets Once More

Oh, Good.

When the right to free speech results in almost certain harm to "innocent bystanders", it crosses the line for me.

Per CNN article posted September 19, 2012 :
A controversial advertisement that critics say is hateful toward Muslims will appear in New York City subway stations starting next week, despite the city's attempts to halt the campaign...
New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority initially rejected the ad, which reads: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad."
Yeah, I get it, you should IN PRINCIPLE be allowed to participate in your right to free speech, HERE, in AMERICA.

However, [insert God] help us, we are not dealing with philosophicals right now. The group being targeted here is proven to respond again and again, in a tangible violent fashion, against any negative commentary whatsoever. OK, let me give the obligatory nod to "It is only a select *minority* group that does this, not the majority of peace-loving Muslims." There, done.

It's like poking a snarling dog anyway with your finger and being shocked when you get bitten.

Free Speech Activists: How many innocent bystanders need to die / be maimed in the predictable attempts to blow up the NYC subway that likely are forthcoming? If one of your family is among them, I hope it was worth it.

Otherwise, leave it be.  Leave Islam alone as a target.

To quote CNN's article again here,
"We don't think it's controversial," said Pamela Geller, the executive director of the American Freedom Defense Initiative. "It's truth. The MTA has run anti-Israel ads before and no one had an issue about it. 'Any war on innocent civilians is savagery': What's controversial here?"
 Feel good with that self-righteousness when you're comforting the relatives of the victims from the retaliation. 

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